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PAUSE & AFFECT is a nine month programme of curated and open call artist residencies at ]ps[ in Kent. Each set of residencies offers an holistic opportunity for research, development & platform events - for artists making time-based & performance art. Each set of residencies offers a unique package, for specific groups of artists, at varying stages of their artistic process and development. The programme consists of three strands:


The Rising         The Residents   &    ]open s p a c e [

Exploring the necessity of reflection as a primary route to self development, PAUSE & AFFECT fascilitates residential periods where artists are encouraged to embrace slowness as a creative methodology.

Within accelerated capitalism, pause and affect become tools of resistance; strategies to take back time, make space & reconnect with what's important.

In order to combat increasingly fast-paced demands on artists to 'be productive', PAUSE & AFFECT insists that the primary resources required for any creative endeavour are those of time and space; enabling artists to tune in, recalibrate, experiment and grow - in order to then contribute exceptional art to our shared cultural landscapes. 

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