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RituallyReadin&Researching was inittially designed to utilise Dr Paul Hurley & Dane Watkin’s Connection//Time; an online, media interface. This later moved onto the use of a tumblr social media site.

Throughout the duration of the laboratory participants performed, installed, drew, recorded and collated their research findings - whilst RRR facilitators tweeted & emailed documentation of these processes to the tumblr website. From there, online audiences could join the process, commenting and responding with text and image. Participants moved between ]ps[ and the Live Art Developement Agency's Study Room. On the hour, very hour, for 12 hours.


This project has also been inspired by Li E Chen's 24 hours in Dreams campaign in which ]ps[ directors Bean & Benjamin Sebastian (together with Li) worked over a 24 hour duration, discussing, making, unmaking thinking and feeling. The process can can be seen via an e-book which tracks the artists tweets and collates images of this campaign & research process.


View the tumblr archive HERE



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